Friday, December 10, 2010

Final Thoughts on English 383

This semester in 383, the information we worked with and the different activities we did seemed like a lot to swallow. As far as the readings were concerned, I thought they were amazing in giving us an introduction to the different things we would encounter during my shadowing experiences, the Boys and Girls Club visits, and the College Mentoring project. To be honest, I initially did not understand the point of some of the activities we engaged in, like the visits to the Boys and Girls Club. However, at the end of our final visit with the students, I realized that it is important, as writing consultants, to be able to know how to help students with different assignments they may come to the writing center with. After all, with society becoming more technological, it is important and nice to get some training in helping students with digital assignments.

English 383 has given me a skill that I know will help me become a better writer, and allow me to share my knowledge with other students by working with them to help them become better writers. One thing I do wish I could have done was maybe conduct on of my shadowing experience to get the full effect of what it means to be a consultant. The shadowing was the one aspect of the course that I thoroughly enjoyed, because I could see what I could possibly be encountered with as a consultant. However, I think if future consultants in training are allowed to conduct one or two sessions (maybe one on their 3 visit and one towards the end of the shadowing experience), and then received feedback from the consultant the in-training consultant is shadowing, it would definitely make a bigger difference and really prepare the student for what is to come. I had a great experience in 383, and I hope future students will feel the same way as I do.

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